Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday, July 3

Laura works on a new view of La Palazzina.

Larry is finished with Celle sul Rigo!

Friday, July 2.

Billy started today with a class on color. He painted the red car of Thomas, from Germany. I forget the type of car, but it was cute. When the color study was done, Billy presented it to Thomas, who seemed very happy.

Ellen's painting of the geraniums on her balcony, which, by the way, gave her the biggest room of all!

Larry's painting of Celle sul Rigo comes into shape. I am very proud of him - he's my husband - for braving this class as a beginner and then showing his latent talent. And this - all from the picture he did of our doggie.

Nancy finishes her trees, maybe. She has a problem signing her work!

Billy works and finishes his View from the Terrace.

Thursday, July 1: Painting Continues

lunch at pama

The class had the same schedule today, but many didn't show up early. Twas a very late night last night, coming back from Florence. I didn't get many photos of today, because I also was a bit weary and late-starting.
The day actually started with the class, the topic of which was about painting a Quick Study, forming a composition of basics shapes.
Nancy paints the cypress trees surrounding the garden.

Larry begins to paint Celle sul Rigo from the terrace.

Billy's landscape with midnight footprint.
Who did this? Perhaps Ellen?

We had lunch today at Pama in Radicofani, a great local hangout. I apologize that I didn't get everybody in the photo. Twas an excellent (and cheap!) repast.

La Palazzina set for dinner. Antipasto: asparagus, frittata, tomato, truffle bruschetta