1. Check with your credit card company about fees on purchases abroad. Some of them tack on a surprising 3%. I am not paid to say this, but Capital 1 has no fees … yet.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Joan's Travel Tips No. 8 and 9
1. Tip No. 8:
1. Also take a credit card; notify the card company that you’ll be going to x,y,z countries during a certain period, so they don’t shut you off. It might be wise to have 2 credit cards, in case one gets compromised, which happens and is a pain, but the possibility exists. Carry the 2 cards and your ATM card in different places.
Tip No. 9:
If If you carry a purse, use one that is difficult for street urchins to access. Lots of closed zippers, lots of pockets, lots of secret places are good. Remember: DIVIDE UP YOUR MONEY AND CREDIT CARDS, so you don’t lose everything in case of pickpocketing or misplacement of goods.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Travel Tip No. 8
1. Joan's Travel Tip No. 8:
3. Also take a credit card; notify the card company that you’ll be going to x,y,z countries during a certain period, so they don’t shut you off. It might be wise to have 2 credit cards, in case one gets compromised, which happens and is a pain, but the possibility exists. Carry the 2 cards and your ATM card in different places. Keep a copy of your card at home, with expiration date, CRV number and customer service phone #. Your person at home should be able to access this info for you, just in case ....
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Joan's Travel Tips No. 5,6 and 7!

Some of my family just before departing after a great Thanksgiving.
I've been negligent these past few weeks. Thanksgiving put a hold onto everything, even though I had a great one. We had a houseful, which involved a lot of planning and work, although per my son's orders, I delegated a lot of meal prep and clean-up and therefore actually got a change to do some of our traditional puzzling. Anyway here are the travel tips:
5. When you use an ATM, have someone with you to monitor outside activity. Watch out for suspicious looking people before you begin. If you don’t feel comfortable, go elsewhere. Don’t leave the ATM until your money and card are safely tucked away. Make sure to get your card!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Don’t buy many euros in US before going – unless you get a deal, fees are too expensive.Take 100 euros with you, max.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
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